Agreement Overview
This Design Agreement is made between Rock N Yard (“Company”) and First Name Last Name (“Client”) for the purpose of developing a landscape design for the property located at Delivery Address.
Design Fee
- The Client agrees to pay Rock N Yard a fee of $500.00 for the creation of a detailed landscape design for the above-mentioned project.
- The $500.00 design fee will serve as a non-refundable deposit. This amount will be credited towards the total cost of the project if the Client decides to proceed with Rock N Yard for the full execution of the landscape design.
Project Execution
- If the Client chooses to hire Rock N Yard for the implementation of the project, the $500.00 design fee will be deducted from the total project cost.
- In the event the Client decides not to proceed with Rock N Yard for the execution of the project, the design fee will remain non-refundable and will not be applied toward any other services.
Exclusive Use of Design
The landscape design created by Rock N Yard is the intellectual property of the Company and is intended exclusively for use by the Client for this specific project. The Client agrees not to share, distribute, or use the design in part or whole with any other company or individual for the purpose of executing the project or any related work without the explicit written consent of Rock N Yard.