Terms and Conditions
Landscape material products by nature, are heavy, jagged/rough, and are all different sizes and shapes. When being loaded, material has to be dumped by using heavy machinery. As landscape material falls from the machinery buckets, the material may scrape or dent the sides of the truck bed, bed liners or trailer and can cause damage. Even when all precautions are taken and loading is properly conducted, landscape material products can roll, prematurely fall or bounce. This may also cause damage to glass/windows. Furthermore, for the safety of all of our customers and employees, any person or animal will remain inside the vehicle at all times while being loaded with material and will NOT be out of their vehicle beyond the designated signage. The undersigned is responsible for the cleanliness or lack thereof of the truck bed or trailer. Therefore, once material is loaded into the presented vehicle, it is yours. We cannot accept return of any potential contaminated product. No returns.
I, First Name Last Name, give my permission for RockNYard Landscape Center, DBA for A-Dalton Trucking Company, LLC, to load any pick-up truck and/or trailer being presented for loading. I am the owner of the pick-up truck and/or trailer, or I am the authorized agent for the owner. I have read and been informed by the statement above that damages may occur while being loaded with landscape product materials. I take full responsibility for any damages that may occur while loading or unloading landscape product materials. Furthermore, I waive all potential liability claims against RockNYard Landscape Center, DBA for A-Dalton Trucking Company, LLC and agents and employees for any damage to property that may arise in connection with the standard operating procedures in loading the vehicle that I have presented. I also hold them harmless from any personal injury and/or death that occur due to my not following the rules set forth by this agreement. This release to is to be in force for the entire year of 2025.